Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You Know You're an Art History Major and/or Obsessed with the Renaissance When....

1. you know how to spell Pollaiuolo without looking it up

2. you know it's St. John and not Mary Magdalene

3. You know how to say Pollaiuolo

4. when you have to correct people on the "parthenon", "pantheon", and "pantheon in paris"

5. you get way too excited by the 'fresco' button in photobucket

6. you know that Primavera wasn't always black (Green egg tempera doesn't age well.. duh..)

7.you know the names of random popes and their family trees

8. whenever you see a group of circular objects you automatically think: MEDICI

9.You know who Pollaiuolo is.

10. Venus may be beautiful on that shell but if you actually met her she'd look really wonky.

11. You hear a voice say "No Photo!" in the background of your mind constantly

12. You get really annoyed when people think 'duomo' is Italian for 'dome'

13. You wish tours would go into wayyyy more depth

14. When you're listening to one of those audio guides in a museum, you feel insulted.

15. After going to the Vatican, you now get excited when ever you see a pine cone

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